To Protect Citizens Stranded In Lebanon…Salone Government Takes Swift Action
As the conflict in Lebanon intensifies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and , has moved rapidly to address the concerns of Sierra Leonean citizens stranded in the war-torn region.
A hiInternational Cooperation, under the leadership of Minister Alhaji Timothy Musa Kabbagh-level meeting was convened on October 8, 2024, bringing together the Lebanese community in Sierra Leone to discuss urgent measures to support those affected.
Held in the Ministry’s conference room, the gathering saw representatives of the Lebanese community providing crucial updates on the situation in Lebanon, especially concerning the Sierra Leoneans caught in the escalating violence.
Minister Kabba expressed the government’s deep concern for its citizens, emphasizing the longstanding ties between Sierra Leone and Lebanon. He highlighted the important contributions of the Lebanese community to Sierra Leone’s development and underscored the shared history that links the two nations.
“The crisis in Lebanon impacts all of us, not just those on the ground but every Sierra Leonean, both at home and abroad,” Minister Kabba stated, stressing the government’s unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety of its citizens.
The Minister praised the Lebanese community for their proactive role in protecting stranded Sierra Leoneans. He specifically acknowledged individuals like Jawad, who has been instrumental in organizing the safe return of nationals to Sierra Leone.
The meeting underscored the solidarity between the two countries as many Sierra Leoneans in Lebanon, including migrant workers, face grave challenges. These individuals are now receiving critical humanitarian aid from both local and international organizations.
Speaking at the meeting, Swaid Jihad, a Lebanese community representative, provided updates on current efforts.
He explained that many Sierra Leoneans have been relocated to safe areas with the assistance of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
The IOM, in partnership with the Sierra Leonean consulate, has been issuing temporary travel documents, ensuring that those without passports can return home safely.
“It’s a difficult situation, but we’re doing everything we can to provide support,” said Jihad, reflecting the dedication of the Lebanese community.
One of the most poignant moments of the meeting came when Lebanese businessman Hisham Mackie pledged his family’s continued support for the effort.
“We are committed to offering financial and humanitarian assistance to make sure no one is left behind,” he affirmed, echoing the collective resolve to help those in needs.
The meeting ended on a hopeful note, with Acting Director General of the Ministry, Alan C.E. Logan, announcing that the Sierra Leone Embassy in Iran has dispatched additional Laissez-Passer to facilitate the safe return of nationals. The consulate is also actively registering all Sierra Leoneans in Lebanon to ensure no one is overlooked during this critical time.
Minister Kabba’s closing remarks left a strong impression: “Our government has a responsibility to protect our citizens wherever they are, and we will do everything within our power to bring them home safely.” His message of solidarity underscored Sierra Leone’s commitment to its people during the ongoing crisis.
As the conflict in Lebanon continues, the collaborative efforts of the Lebanese community and the government of Sierra Leone remain a beacon of hope for those affected. Through these actions, the safety and dignity of Sierra Leoneans abroad are being upheld, reinforcing the enduring bond between the two nations.
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